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Systems Thinking and Chaos Theory Network (STCT)
This systems thinking and chaos theory forum explores the new evolutionary cosmology and the emergence of new science which includes the human spirit. It recognizes the importance of creativity and imagination in a re-enchantment of learning and teaching. It supports the development of a design culture in which we learn to create our futures.
Sponsored by The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (See the ASCD Web.)
- Would you like to get a better understanding of "systemic change" (the new rallying cry of thoughtful educators) ???
- Would you like to learn how "order" is different from "control" ???
- Would you like to know what the "New Sciences" are teaching us
- ... that chaos creates opportunity and growth, not destruction ???
- ... that there is a way to be comfortable with complexity ???
- Would you like to be a part of an on-going dialogue among general systems scientists and educators exploring and discovering new patterns in the field of education ???
Then the Systems Thinking & Chaos Theory Network is for you!
Goals and Purpose of the Network:
- to provide a forum for dialogue among systems and chaos theory scientists and educators,
- to aid in the development of curriculum designed to include the "new sciences,"
- to encourage the practice of systems thinking as a shift in world view that will fit better with the new understanding of our universe,
- to present this new information and point of view in language that is useful and relevant for all people who are stake holders in a viable system of education,
- to maintain an active global electronic communication network,
- to provide support for educators who are "exploring new worlds where no one else has gone before."
Membership in this network offers:
- A bi-monthly newsletter PATTERNS, with articles,
interviews, book reviews, exchange of ideas and information not found in the usual education journals.
![[ Patterns Logo ]](patterns.gif)
~ Sample article from the November 1997 Newsletter, PATTERNS. Includes Syntony Quest: Creating Evolutionary Learning Communities, interview with Kathia Castro Laszlo and Alexander Laszlo of the Asilomar Conversation Community.
- Periodic annotated bibliographies and resource information.
- Current research and occasional papers.
- An annual directory of members.
- Discounts on all Forums, Conversations, Workshops, and Seminars.
Please see the ASCD directory of Regional Coordinators.
Membership fee $25.00 ____________ International $30.00
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Home ~ Newsletter ~ Contacts
Barbara Dawes Vogl
5300 Glen Haven Road
Soquel, CA 95073
E-mail: bvogl@cruzio.com
Although the Systems Thinking/Chaos Theory Network is sponsored by
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD),
the newsletter
and other activities reflect the viewpoint of the network only.